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Increasing Revenue With Search Engine Marketing (Adwords/Bing)

There are many ways in which you can use search engine marketing to increase your revenue for your business. Here are the top ways in
A person holding a smartphone displaying stock market graphs, with a laptop in the background showing additional financial data.

There are many ways in which you can use search engine marketing to increase your revenue for your business. Here are the top ways in which you can leverage your Google AdWords and Bing Ads campaigns to increase your bottom line.

Remarketing Across the Entire Marketing Funnel

When you look at the entire marketing funnel and the way at which visitors come to your website, you can customize your ad campaigns so that people at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom of the funnel are all served unique ads that are directed in a way that sells to them based on their individual needs and what pages of your website they have visited.

Whether you are serving generic banner ads to first time visitors to help raise brand awareness (in hopes of getting them back to your site), or whether you are serving reminder ads for those that have left items in their carts and didn’t fully check out, you can choose to serve specific ads based on where they are in the funnel. Furthermore, you can make sure to exclude successful conversions, people that have already made purchases and you don’t need to see ads.

Link AdWords and Bing Ad to Google Analytics

If you have your AdWords and Bing Ads accounts communicate with your Google Analytics account, there is a wealth of information and insight that you can gain to increase your revenue for your business. You can review ad and site performance data together, all in one place. After they are linked you can see goals and Ecommerce transactions, and valuable insight such as Bounce Rate, Average Session Duration, and Pages/Session in your AdWords and Bing Ads account.

The process for combining Google Analytics and Google AdWords is as easy as being signed in to both accounts and linking the two in the preferences and user settings. For Bing Ads, it is a little more complicated. Using URL tracking parameters with your Bing Ads—which consists of auto-tagging UTM tags, manually adding URL parameters for landing pages, setting up a tracking template, and defining custom parameters –you can still achieve the same results. This is easier than it sounds, you can easily create UTM tags for Bing Ads (or any other site, think social media) by using this Google Analytics tool.

This insight can help you decide if your ads are sending people to pages with poorly written copy or bad Call-To-Actions. Until you create a better landing experience, you can pause those keywords with a higher bounce rate so you aren’t wasting your money less than perfect targeting and ads.

Focus on the Profitable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

When you are judging success, make sure that you are judging it based on the correct key performance indicators. There are many ways in which you can measure success with your ads—impressions, clicks, click-thru-ratios, but there are only two that matter if you want to increase your revenue—cost per conversions and your overall conversion rate. Focus on these two main factors and optimize your campaigns to maximize conversions for the least spend and you will see the direct correlation to increased revenue.

Continue to Gather Email Addresses

One of the earliest pieces of online advice for businesses is to build a database of email addresses. While we still think crafting current and relevant blog content and send it out to subscribers by email is one way to keep people in the loop, and that notifying existing and potential customers by email of sales or new product releases is a great way of generating new business, that isn’t why we want you to get emails addresses—we want them for search engine marketing.

With a good list of email addresses, you can upload them into a search engine marketing campaign and run “lookalike” or “similar to” campaigns where they can target audiences much like the people on your email list. These Lookalike Campaigns will allow you to track others that share the same interest, live in the same area, and share the same demographics and behaviors.

Follow These 4 Revenue Generating SEM Trends

If you follow these four advanced revenue generating SEM tactics: multi-funnel remarketing, reviewing SEM data in analytics, focusing on profitable KPIs and using your customer email list, you’ll see significant increases in your revenue and conversions.

About the author

Headshot of Yoel Israel
Yoel Israel is the founder of WadiDigital, a global leader in marketing and media. Yoel is a LinkedIn Advertising Expert and the global leader in cybersecurity marketing and lead generation. He resides in Israel with his wife and two daughters.

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