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Google’s Price Extensions Improves Conversion Rates

Google Adwords Price Extensions Google has announced an update on AdWords price extensions, which showcases prices and detailed description of your brand and range of
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Google Adwords Price Extensions

Google has announced an update on AdWords price extensions, which showcases prices and detailed description of your brand and range of products and services. It helps businesses connect directly to their target audience by linking specific individuals who are actually interested in what you have to offer.

This is seamlessly integrated within the mobile ad platform—it allows your brand to reach out to even more people while on the go. Price extensions can amplify your brand name and provide more value to your Search Network text ads. Google Adwords price extensions typically appear right below the text ad mobile, which allows you ample space to elaborate on what your brand can offer for clients. This also lets people tap items they like which link directly to your mobile site. With price extension working in sync with your mobile site, it is very important to keep your site up-to-date and mobile-optimized.

Google Adwords price extensions allow brands to be as specific and detailed as possible by integrating these to targeted ad groups or adding extensively more general keywords in its roster.

Before you set up your Google Adwords price extensions, it is important to note what exactly your target market is looking for with respect to your brand. Branding and advertising with the use of price extensions is highly effective because you actually get to hit or target many birds (not just two) with one stone. You have to match the specific needs or wants of your target market when keying in details with price extensions. Your keywords should be as precise as possible to give you the results you need. Your extensions should also be able to give your customers exactly the information they want on your product or services range.

Core advantages of having price extensions include the following:

  • Showcase your brand offerings. Price extensions provide you the opportunity to highlight your brand’s offerings in a detailed, interactive, and user-friendly format that users can scroll through with ease. You also get to choose the types of products or services such as Events, Brands, Neighbourhoods, Locations, Product Tiers, Product Categories, Service Tiers, Service Categories, and Services.
  • Maximize your brand’s impact. You will find that it increases brand recognition and awareness without the extra effort. You don’t need to design new text ads or even edit old ones.
  • Speedy conversions. Businesses done in the digital framework thrive with speed and convenience at hand. This is exactly what Google Adwords price extensions do for your business – it provides you a shortcut to the sales funnel. When potential buyers tap into specific items on your menu, they will be automatically redirected to your business site. These price extension highlight your products together with the prices (could be exact amount or range), which makes it easy to target conversions.
  • Easily customized. The use of price extensions is hassle-free and easy for any user. This can also be modified or customized according to your business needs and requirements. You can easily add price extensions to your campaign, account, or ad group depending on what you would want them to show up with. You also get to decide on the dates or frequency in a day that these price extensions would show up. You also get to choose the currency.
  • Hassle-free edits. You can keep your price extensions up-to-date without having to reset performance statistics. You can also improve or modify descriptions, images, or items names whenever you would want to boost special promotions or offers.

The Location and Costs

The cost of every click on price extension is equal to the costs of the URL or title of the ad that it appears with. You get to choose where it appears exactly – the final URL or landing page. You will be charged roughly the same amount whether the user clicks the extension or text ad. The good thing though is that you do have a safety net with using price extensions because you will not be charged for more than two clicks made per impressions.


 A potential buyer searches for a particular product and sees your ads and pricing. An interested buyer would most likely click on your price extensions which would link them directly to the product or service they want to purchase. This shortens the sales funnel for your business and will greatly increase your conversion ratio.


 You rake in exactly the conversions you need at a faster rate and without extra costs. Overall it makes the process better for both you and the shopper.

About the author

Headshot of Yoel Israel
Yoel Israel is the founder of WadiDigital, a global leader in marketing and media. Yoel is a LinkedIn Advertising Expert and the global leader in cybersecurity marketing and lead generation. He resides in Israel with his wife and two daughters.

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